We're a team of scientists, designers and engineers building beautiful tools for Machine learning and visual analytics.
Most of us are freelancers and we work together for selected projects. We are based in Paris, Barcelone, Naples, and some of us are travelling around the globe.
Our company is an employee-owned company, and we are constantly looking for new founders to join our pool of experts (9 and growing).
The philosophy of AInov.fr is to work exclusively with selected partners on carefully selected projects. Some of our selection criteria are: the originality of the project, the challenge and complexity, and our client profile. We will be happy to hear from you and we will answer you within 24 hours.
and a short description of your project (no confidential data at this stage).
For more information or questions reach out to us at contact@ainov.fr
Custom menu section
This is off canvas menu widget area. To enable it add some widgets into Appearance – Widgets – Menu Section, and go to Customizer – Main menu to set the icon position.